A group of friends gathered at Thonon-les-bains, France on Sunday 19 May 2019 to honour Ronald Dreyer, who died ten years ago.
The magic and mystery of life came through in the music of Francois le Roux (Ha! Man from South Africa) and Marilyn, as together they allowed the music to flow through the cello and the piano, creating in the moment and sending the Love vibration out over Lac Leman.
Marilyn offered the following lines At the Limit, translated from German and an unknown source:
If you must go through a mined field
take a handful of seeds with you
poppies or marigolds (she added ‘sunflowers’)
for your resurrection.
Thank you Anna Grichting for capturing some of this music and the mystical “lumiére du lac’ on this short video.
Oh dearest M. What a radiant and beautiful ceremony!